Ecotect Architects to Lead and Promote a Vision for Swanbourne
Vision for Swanbourne
The vision for Swanbourne was spawned 12 years ago when Garry Baverstock and Julia Hayes made Swanbourne their home. They could see the village environment was degrading slowly rather than improving, however, they felt it was a great place for rejuvenation around the railway station. This rejuvenation was given a large boost with the current plans to develop the whole precinct with the Swanbourne Village complex becoming a catalyst for change to a more vibrant and desirable place to live.
The Swanbourne Village will take advantage of the proximity of the railway station with plans to help existing businesses already there to increase diversity and create more customers while attracting new businesses to the area and making them all more viable.
Collaboration with Business Owners
The vision will be further extended just across the railway line from the Swanbourne Village with the creation of the Swanbourne Precinct Development Trust that has recently purchased a crucial property within the business complex. A collaboration with the business owners adjacent to the railway line will complement the initiative of the Swanbourne Village to increase and improve the shopping precinct while also increasing the density with transit oriented developments at the back and over the existing shops over the next 10 years.
The first step in this rejuvenation is to masterplan the precinct and engage the existing community and business owners as stakeholders as the Trust develops, so all are empowered to control their own destiny rather than the piecemeal approach often favoured by big developers. Garry Baverstock commented,
“We create a community style development where the stakeholders are the real stakeholders and beneficiaries of what is achieved; driven by an architectural and planning concept rather than simply a money-making venture”.
Development Similar to Prahran, Melbourne
This planned development will be similar to Prahran in Melbourne and the Swanbourne Village Trust has a video illustrating how this progressive community in Prahran carried out the planning of their precinct. The principles behind this community based approach is what Ecotech Architects is promoting for Swanbourne.
Finally, every development Ecotect undertakes will adhere to its commitment for maximised, passive and active solar systems and integration into sustainable garden and water waste management systems.
Photo Credits; Nick Melidonis,