
Solar-e is a global business entity that is owned by Wise Earth Pty Ltd. The website promotes the use of solar energy and energy efficient architecture through six key areas: Communication, Information, Education, Innovation, Design, and Action.

The following books are recommended by as they are synergistic to the objectives of the website:

Green Building Design – How to Build Low Energy Buildings
Accurate green building design and construction data is important to the successful integration of passive solar principles into the housing industry. For years there has been many a green building design guide published which describes terms such as long and short wave radiation, thermal mass, diurnal temperature characteristics and so forth.

Living with the Climate
A homebuyers guide on how to relate Project Homes with the local climate.
by Sam Paolino

Low Energy Buildings in Australia
You can achieve specialized knowledge by following the simple, clear and concise instructions in this design manual. Although the data sheets are created for architects, designers and builders, you don’t need to be a designer to understand the principles involved.

The Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook
The purpose of the Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook (ASRDH) is to provide suitable data for teachers, researchers, users and designers of various types of solar systems for many locations around Australia.