Tag Archives: ISES

Solar World Congress 2011


Kassel University, the host of the International Solar Energy Society (‘ISES’) Solar World Congress 2011, is offering scholarships to scientists from developing countries to participate in the Congress.

Leading researchers, engineers,architects, climatologists and students from around world are expected to participate in the next Solar World Congress (SWC 2011) from 28 August – 2 September 2011 in Kassel, Germany (www.swc2011.org).

The SWC 2011 is a perfect occasion to learn about the latest developments, exchange information and build networks with the international scientific community.

Financial Support

In order to facilitate participation from all around the globe, financial support is being offered to eligible applicants to cover the conference fee and expenses in Germany. Details on the financial support offered, countries included, eligibility criteria and the submission process are are available on application to Jennifer McIntosh  mcintosh@ises.org.

All applicants must submit at least one abstract to the Solar World Congress. Information on the deadline for abstract submissions is available on the SWC 2011 website.

Jennifer McIntosh – Interim Head of Secretariat
International Solar Energy Society (ISES)
Wiesentalstr. 50, 79115 Freiburg, Germany
Tel. +49 761 45906-91     Fax. +49 761 45906-99
Email: mcintosh@ises.org  WWW: http://www.ises.org/

ISES Solar World Congress 2011 – Kassel, Germany
28 August – 2 September, 2011, http://www.swc2011.org

Support Renewable Energy Today – http://join.ises.org

Solar Energy Optimism

The main message from the recent Australian Solar Energy Society [‘AuSES’] 2010 Conference in Canberra, Australia, was very optimistic about the widespread use of solar energy in all its forms.

Having been involved with International Solar Energy Society [‘ISES’]  since 1979, through the West Australian branch and then the Australia & New Zealand Solar Energy Society [“ANZSES’] as an incorporated body, when it came into being in 1984, one could understand my optimism to see something I have passionately believed in as the most sustainable way forward for mankind, has started to become a reality.

No longer will the use of solar energy in all its forms be considered a fringe, “thing of future” any more.   I have written a series of articles that distil my perceptions of the proceedings from a professional standpoint and the political implications of holding this landmark conference in our nation’s capital, Canberra.

Solar Energy - Watts installed

Graph: showing the explosion of installed PV in Australia in the last decade

The way forward from hereon is the encouragement of more focused research in the various fields of endeavour in the diverse world of solar energy applications.

AuSES is destined to have a pivotal role in the next 50 years to ensure that planet earth no longer lives on the edge of energy and environmental uncertainty.

A series of articles that covers what happened in Canberra will be published on solar-e over the next month or so.

Garry Baverstock AM, CEO of www.solar-e.com

2010 President of AuSES, WA

The following aspects will be discussed in articles posted from December 2010 onwards:

– The Week that Canberra Became a National Focus for AuSES in 2010

– The Role of the Built Environment in Using Solar Energy and Addressing Climate Change – A Viable Direction for AuSES

– Political Will and Systems Thinking for Climate Change Needed – How AuSES Can Help

– Nuclear Politics a Real Danger for Progress of Solar and Renewable Energy Progress – Collaboration Needed Not War

– Open Learning and Presentation of Facts – the Key for Greater Use of Solar Energy – AuSES Leading the Way

– New Solar-e.com Will Soon be Ranking Solar Societies and Associations Conference Papers – First Step AuSES

– The List of  ‘solar-e’ Best Papers at Solar 2010 – AuSES Conference in Canberra

Valuable solar-e links:

An Introduction


Solar Power



Self Realisation & Ethics